Wednesday, March 6, 2013

To carry on

Last December, I came across these backpacks from Fjallraven Kanken. I was blown away by the all the colors that were available, though, disgruntled by the expensive price tag. Being the huge backpack person that I am, however, I eventually gave in. Anyway, Christmas was near and I'd have some pocket money to spare! So after much debate on what color to choose, I finally decided on the Classic Kanken in "Frost Green" (partly because the name is just so nice). Andre got one too, in "Sky Blue". We got out bags by January and have been using it non-stop since.

By the way, did you notice how Totoro-y Andre's room is?

I have some kind of affinity for jars.. (Not so much for candy canes though.)

Laika again. I'm glad she was able to stay calm for a few seconds, the picture didn't turn out blurry.

Three more weeks of school!


Yashica Electro 35 GS
Fujicolor YKL 100


  1. The frost green one is really nice! I love my Kanken as well, I use it all the time.

    Laika is so cute, she looks happy all the time!

  2. I love love your photography! These photographs are all so beautifully light, airy and peaceful. I love collecting old jars too, they make for the best storage/flower holders. I know what you mean about candy canes, they are nice to look at but I rarely eat them (aside from days when I am struck by and intense craving for sugar). Laika is such a cutie x

  3. I think that bag is one of those retro things that are expensive because a bunch of hipsters found them 20 years too late. Still cute though.

    How about following each other? Let me know on my blog!

